Publications and presentations

The public contributions to exposure assessment and control are grouped in the following Click-and-go headers:
go to: 1. Alignment
go to: 2. Exposure assessment, variability and control.
go to: 3. OELV, DN/MEL, Kick-off, Hazard Banding & their hierarchy
go to: 4. Occupational health and Epidemiology

1. Alignment of tools for workplace exposure assessement
IOHA 2018 Washington: Progress in the alignment of control banding tools
AIHCe 2017 Seattle: Testing Hazard Banding Performance and Strength
BOHS OH2017 Harrogate: Filling the OELV gap: Optimize Hazard Banding
NVvA Conference 2017: The alignment of parallel OH tools. An IOHA project?
IOHA 2015 Conference: The need for international alignment of Occupational Hygiene tools

2. Exposure assessment, variability and control:
Download here the zip-file with handouts of the IOHA2024 Dublin PDC on june 9 Basic Characterisation and the zip-file with the Excel application IH-Aligner.
IH-Aligner is an excel tool to process and export results of PAS measurements performed within a Similar Exposure Group (SEG) or an Exposure Scenario (ES). It performs the arithmetic adjustment of measurement results to the correct time-weighted average (TWA) matching with the OELV reference period. Furthermore, tests are performed on the goodness-of-fit (log)normality of the TWA set and several UTL95%,## calculated for testing compliance. The main assistance is that measurement results are converted into a format that can be import (copy-paste) into most freely applicable statistical programmes for occupational hygiene. The use of IH-Aligner is free of charge. However, we would welcome feedback on its use (bugs) or suggestions for improvement.
IOHA2024 Dublin june 13. Handout of the rehab_measurement_uncertainty presentation.

NYF 2022 EN689 Conference. OELV compliance decisions & the EN689 preliminary test.
If the 95% percentile (C95%) of a log-normal shaped exposure distribution is around the Occupational Exposure Limit Value (OELV) and PAS measurements are taken within a SEG to test compliance with the OELV, then the EN689 5.5.2 preliminary tests delays a compliance decision unnecessarily and is cost ineffective for the employer compared to the EN689 5.5.3 statistical test, which measures with 70% confidence whether less than 5% of exposures in the SEG exceeds the OELV (C95,70% >OELV) . The preliminary test decision schedule also underestimates workers' health risk and delays necessary control measures for GSD>6.

IOHA 2018 Conference. Towards a library of exposure profile related GSD values
Occupational exposure assessment is always confronted (compared to other quality control area's like environment, productsafety) with extreme small sample size measurements series. A library of SEG or exposure profile (EN689 3.1) specific GSD's may support the appraiser to test the confidence of their sample GSD (is it too small or too large for the SEG examined) when 6 or less PAS measurements are available. Such a library gives scientist a tool to make their Bayesian compliance testing methods more credible. Existing GSD info already debunks existing, historical myths that the long-term GSD must be smaller than 3 (IHSTat).

NVvA Conference 2017 Ioannidis and do individuals performing the same job have different average exposures?
The pressure to publish and use only positive and 'significant' results in OELV limit setting and exposure modelling, drives journals and researchers to rearange or reject data, support unvalidated methods and shop in publications dispite their validity and relevance. Institutes and journals in occupational exposure sciences should be transparent (make raw data available) and work according to the codes on reseach integrity

SOPHYT Forum (Lille). Statistics and representative measurements
Scheme prEN 689 (2016) compliance testing
BOHS prEN 689 workshop (Glasgow). Representative measurements & work patern/worker exposure variability within the SEG

CEN137 TC1 (Paris). Indentifying exceptional exposure within a SEG using Student-t/ANOVA statistical tests
AEHI Seminario (Barcelona). The new CEN 689 Compliance resting guidance
CEN137 TC1 (Delft). Lognormality and handling Non-detects
IOHA BW_Stat PDC (London). Basic Characterzation
IOHA BW_Stat PDC (London). Compliance testing

AIHCe (San Antonio). Validation of Control Band hazard grouping
Estimating the vapour pressure and the OELV for compliance testing of complex solvent mixtures using XLUNIFAC (BOHS conference 2014 Nothingham).
BOHS Poster (Nothingham). A hierarchy of OELVs

BOHS Conference (Manchester). Between-worker differences and sampling strategy flaws

BOHS-NVvA Compliance testing guidance

NVvA Guidance on exposure data recording
Long-term exposure sampling at a Dutch (bio)chemical production site

The distribution of long-term GSD's in well defined chemical industry SEG's in Dutch , English PPT

TWA 8-hours OELV for chronic toxic chemical substances based on long-term NOEL or DNELS (in Dutch , English summary)
On the compliance control of long-term OELVs. Vinylchloride monomer (in Dutch , English summary)
Weel Committee . Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels (OARS WEEL's). Melamine. American Industrial Hygiene Association. Fairfax Virginia 1999.

Occupational Exposure Database core information

Letter to the editor on methodological flaws in the analysis of within and between worker variability

HYGINIST: Compliance testing software for workplace exposure within a Similar Exposure Group (SEG) with Goodness-of-fit, regression based handling of undetectables, comparing sample GM and GSD with priors, optimize sample size.
Maintenance painters solvent exposure assessment and effect-specific limit values


3. OELV, DN/MEL, Kick-off, Hazard Banding & their hierarchy:
Scientific publication On the Strength and Validity of Hazard Banding and its suplementary data
NVvA Conference presentation (Scheveningen). Testing strength and validity of Hazard Band engines

IOHA Conference (London). Finding best performing hazard band engines within Control Banding tools

Presentation H3##-statement based kick-off levels. Bilthoven NVT-AT 140925
Careful with that DNEL, Occupational Hygienist! A quantitative comparison with higher Hierarchy OELVs
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitshygiene. Berechnung der Anzahl von Messungen für den Vergleich der inhalativen Exposition am Arbeitsplatz mit einem Grenzwert (auf ENGLISCH)
DOHSBase-Compare: ranking inhalation risk potential of chemicals for substitution purposes (in Dutch)

Publication R-phrase based Kick-off levels (in Dutch, English summary)

Dohsbase, a comprehensive database with hierarchical information on phys-chem, health hazard info, OELVs, sampling methods and risk ranking of chemicals used in the workplace.

4. Occupational health and epidemiology:
Dutch Caprolactam workers exposed to pure Benzene. A blind (=independent established exposure and mortality), retrospective cohort mortality study. Contradicts linear hazard assessments like AGS (2012).
Leukaemia risk in Caprolactam workers exposed to Benzene. Institute of petroleum. Report meeting 22-10-2002.pdf.
Update Acrylonitrile cohort study
Mortality of Workers exposed to Acrylonitrile
Mortality of coke plant workers in the Netherlands
Mortality among laboratory assistants in a Coke plant [1928-1946] (in Dutch, English summary). The first correct performed, retrospective occupational cohort study in the Netherlands.

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